IP Class 12 Zoom Online Class Recorded Lecture By Anand Sir
in Class 12What you will learn?
Expert Instruction: Access high-quality teaching from Anand Sir, ensuring clarity and depth in your learning.
Convenience: Study from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for physical attendance.
Flexibility: Learn at your own pace and schedule, fitting your studies around your other commitments.
Comprehensive Coverage: Gain in-depth understanding of key concepts in I.P.
This is the Complete IP Class 12 Course, covering IP, MySQL, and Networking.
About this course
Dear Learner,
Welcome to the IP Recorded Video Batch. This self-paced online course offers pre-recorded videos of classes conducted by Anand Sir. With a duration of approximately 50 hours, you have the flexibility to complete the course with ease.
The Online Face-to-Face Zoom Class is offered at a budget-friendly price, ensuring that it remains more affordable compared to other options. This cost-effective approach allows more students to access the course and prepare effectively for their exams.
Python Pandas - I
- Introduction to Pandas and course syllabus
- Series: Understanding the data structure
- Creating Series and Pandas objects
- Series attributes and manipulation (using methods like head and tail)
- Reindexing, dropping indexes, and sorting
- Introduction to DataFrame: Understanding the DataFrame object
- Creating DataFrame using 2D dictionaries, ndarrays, and Series
- Performing various operations on DataFrame objects
Python Pandas - II
- Iterrows() & Iteritems() functions for iterating through DataFrame
- Binary operations in DataFrame
- IP MCQ Explanation for better understanding of concepts
- Practice questions related to DataFrame
Plotting with PyPlot
- Introduction to Data Visualization
- Plotting charts and graphs using matplotlib
- Creating Bar charts and other visualizations
- Practice questions on Pandas and Data Visualization
Importing/Exporting Data
- Handling CSV files: Importing and exporting data
Happy Learning!
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In this video the whole syllabus has been discussed. Along with this the most important topic i.e. Python Pandas has been discussed with its installation procedure.
In this video, Pandas Data Structure has been explained keeping in view the syllabus. Further, it’s type i.e. Series and DataFrame data structure has been discussed.
In this video, the way to create a Series object has been discussed. The four ways to create a Series Object has been discussed i.e. a) Using Python Sequence b) Using ndArray c) Using Python Dictionary d) Using scalar values
In this video the further ways of creating a Series object has been explained. Along with this some practice question has also been explained related to Series Object.
In this video all the attributes of Series object has been explained. Some of the attributes of Series are index, values, dtype etc.
In this video, multiple topics have been covered viz. Modifying series object, head() and tail() method calculation on Series object etc.
In this video, Introduction to DataFrame object has been taught. Along with this some remaining topics of Series object i.e. Sorting Series Object. The topics are: reindexing, Dropping index, Introduction of DataFrame Object
In this video, the ways of creating the DataFrame object has been discussed. The first way is: a) creating dataframe object using 2D dictionary b) creating dataframe object using ndarray
In this video, you will further learn about the ways of creating dataframe object using a) Series object b) From another dataframe object
In this video, you will learn further about DataFrame object. The topics viz. Getting count of Non-NaN values, Selecting and Accessing data, and different Practice Questions has been explained in this video.
In this video, the progress has been seen as per the syllabus. Along with this the DataFrame concept of iterrows() and Iteritems() methods have been explained.
In this video, further discussion on iterrows() and iteritems() have been explained. Along with this the Binary Operations on DataFrame object has been explained.
In this video, many MCQ Questions related to Series and DataFrame object has been explained.
In this video, some new topics of DataFrame object has been explained. Some students asked some questions about DataFrame object and the same was solved with explanation.
In this video, introduction to Data Visualization has been explained.
In this video, various kinds of Charts & Graphs has been discussed along with required module.
In this video, bar() chart has been discussed with all its attributes. Program examples has also been explained to explain the bar() chart.
In this video, some important questions from the topics viz. Python Pandas and Data Visualization has been explained in detail.
In this video, a topic CSV Files have been explained. This is a one shot video in which all the concepts related to importing exporting CSV files have been explained as per the syllabus.
In this video, the topic, Societal Impact has been explained with all its sub-topics. The different topics covered in this video are:
a. Digital footprints
i. Active Digital Footprints
ii. Passive Digital Footprints
b. Netiquettes
c. Data Protection
d. Encryption & Decryption
This is the second part of the Societal Impact video which the following points have been covered:
a. Intellectual property rights
b. Plagiarism
c. Open Source Concepts
d. Software licensing
e. Cybercrime & its type
f. IT Act 2000 and IT Amendment Act 2008
g. E-waste management
h. Health concerns with Technology
In this video, the introduction to MySQL has been explained. In addition since MySQL is common for CS and IP both students, both the students can learn it.
In this video, the different types of MySQL commands i.e. DDL, DML , and TCL have been explained. Along with this different MySQL datatypes have also been explained i.e. char, varchar, decimal, integer etc.
In this video, various constraints of MySQL have been explained. Constraints are set of rules that are implemented on columns of the table. The constraints discussed in this video are Primary key, NOT NULL, Unique Key constraint.
In this video, next three constraints i.e. check, default and foreign key constraints. Further, introduction to MySQL IDE with basic commands have also been explained.
In this video, we have started learning MySQL commands like create database, use, create table, show tables, show databases, insert into etc.
In this video the concept of extracting data from the database has been explained using Select commands. Along with this many clauses of Select command viz. where, and, or, order by, distinct, between, not between, in, not in, like, not like etc.
In this video, queries from students have been done as well as alter commands has been explained. In this class itself, different types of MySQL functions have been explained. MySQL has two types of function i.e. single row function and multi-row function.
In this video, MySQL single row functions like math function, statistics function, date and time function have been explained.
In this video MySQL aggregate function has been explained. Along with this the group by clause as well as having clause have also been explained.
In this video, the concept of Join has been explained. There are different types of join i.e. cross join, equi join, natural join etc.
In this video, further joins have been explained as well as some queries from the user along with important questions related to MySQL have been explained.
In this video, various queries and doubts from the students have been taken and resolved. This is the last video of MySQL.
In this video, the concept of networking is explained with a lots of example and real-life use of Networking. Networking its advantages/disadvantages etc. have been explained.
In this video, various devices that are needed for networking has been explained. The various terminologies viz. client, server, workstation, NIC Card, etc. have been explained.
In this video, the different types of network i.e. wired and wireless network has been explained. Along with this some of the basic networking commands have also been explained.
In this video, some more Networking devices have been explained. Along with this the concept of cloud is also explained.
In this video, the concept of Internet of things (IoT) have been explained along with Smart Technologies.
In this video, the concept of protocols have been explained along with different types of protocols i.e. TCP/IP, SMPT, POP, VoIP etc. Along with this the concept of IP address (Internet Protocol) has also been explained.
In this video, the concept of Domain Name Resolution i.e. DNR along with different Networking protocols have been explained.
In this video, the various network topologies have been explained. For example start topology, ring topology, tree topology, bus topology etc.
CodeitUp, Congratulate you on Completing your Course. Finally, you are ready to practice your exam question paper to be 100% confident in your exam.
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