CBSE CS Class 12 Python Online Zoom Class Recorded Lecture By Anand Sir
in Class 12What you will learn?
This is a comprehensive CS Class 12 course covering all three key areas: Python, MySQL, and Networking. Everything you need to excel in your studies is included.
Comprehensive Coverage: Gain in-depth understanding of key concepts in python programming.
Flexibility: Learn at your own pace and schedule, fitting your studies around your other commitments.
Expert Instruction: Access high-quality teaching from Anand Sir, ensuring clarity and depth in your learning.
Convenience: Study from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for physical attendance.
About this course
Dear Learner,
Welcome to the CBSE CS Recorded Video Batch. This self-paced online course offers pre-recorded videos of classes conducted by Anand Sir is as per CBSE syllabus. With a duration of approximately 50 hours, you have the flexibility to complete the course with your ease.
The Online Face-to-Face Zoom Class is offered at a budget-friendly price, ensuring that it remains more affordable compared to other options. This cost-effective approach allows more students to access the course and prepare effectively for their exams.
Course Highlight Summary:
Python Basics: Programming fundamentals, TOKENs, Loops, IF statements, Lists, Strings, and Tuples.
Functions: Types of functions with arguments/returns and key concepts.
File Handling: Text, Binary, and CSV files.
Data Structures: Stack, Queue, and Polish Strings.
Modules: Random Module.
Exception Handling: Basics of error handling in Python.
MySQL: Database concepts, table creation, constraints, queries, joins, and aggregate functions.
Networking: Basics, network types, collisions, IP addressing, commands, and topologies.
Python MySQL Connectivity: Integrating Python with MySQL.
1. Python Basics
- Introduction to Programming & Python TOKENs
- IDLE Setup & Writing Programs
- IF Statement & Loops (While, For, Pyramid Printing)
- Jump Control Statements | Lists (Introduction, Built-in Functions, Programming)
- Strings and Tuples
2. Python Functions
- Functions: No Argument/No Return, With Argument/No Return
- Functions: No Argument/With Return, With Argument/With Return
- Various Function Concepts
3. Python File Handling
- File Handling Basics
- Text Files | Binary Files | CSV Files
4. Python Data Structures
- Stack | Queue | Polish Strings
5. Python Modules
- Random Module
6. Exception Handling
- Exception Handling in Python
7. Python MySQL Connectivity
- Connecting Python with MySQL
8. MySQL
- Introduction to Databases & MySQL | Data Types
- Constraints | Table Creation
- Select Command | Alter Table | Foreign Key
- Joins | Aggregate Functions
9. Networking
- Introduction to Networks & Basics
- Types of Networks | Network Collisions
- IP Addressing | Networking Commands | Topologies
10. Python Course Certificate
- An automatic course completion certificate will be provided after students pass an online exam at the end.
Happy Learning!
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For Class 12 Computer Science Python Students
Only Phone or Laptop or Computer or Smart TV with Internet Connection
Python Programming Software
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In this video, the syllabus has been discussed for Computer Science Class 12. Further, introduction to programming has also been explained.
In this video, the concept to TOKEN has been explained with its different parts. Further, it’s first part i.e. keywords and second part Identifier have also been explained.
In this video, the next concept of TOKEN i.e. Literal, Punctuator and some operators have been explained.
In this video, Python’s IDE i.e. IDLE has been explained. Further, it has also been explained that how we write basic Python program and execute them.
In this video, the concept of control statement has been explained. In addition, the concept of selection control statement i.e. “if” control statement has been explained with example.
In this video, the concept of loop/iterative control statement has been explained. Further, the loop elements viz. initialization, condition and increment/decrement has been explained. Some program examples have also been explained.
In this video, some while loop programs has been explained which are essential to nourish the logical ability as well as to understand the programming concept.
In this video, some while loop programs has been explained which are essential to nourish the logical ability as well as to understand the programming concept. Some more important programs have been covered in this video.
In this video, some while loop programs has been explained which are essential to nourish the logical ability as well as to understand the programming concept. Some more important programs have been covered in this video.
In this video, the concept of for loop in Python has been explained. In addition, the concept of Nested loop has also been explained which using many pyramid printing related questions have been solved in this video itself.
In this video, the Jump Control statement i.e. break, continue & pass statement have been explained. In addition Introduction to list has also been explained.
In this video, all the built-in/pre-defined/Library functions of List has been explained.
In this video, programming with list has been explained. There are some programs of list which are important as per exam point of view. This is the part 01 of the list programming.
In this video, programming with list has been explained. There are some programs of list which are important as per exam point of view. This is the part 02 of the list programming.
In this video, programming with list has been explained. There are some programs of list which are important as per exam point of view. This is the part 03 of the list programming.
In this video, introduction to string and built in functions has been explained. Along with this some important questions related to strings have also been explained.
In this video, Tuples in python explain in details. How the Tuples can use in Python discussed.
In this video, the chapter Python Functions has been explained. Along with this creating programs with the first type of functions i.e. No Argument No Return has also been explained.
In this video, creating programs with the second type of functions i.e. No Argument No Return has been explained.
In this video, creating programs with the third type of functions i.e. No Argument With Return has been explained.
In this video, creating programs with the fourth type of functions i.e. With Argument With Return has been explained.
In this video, various small topics of Python functions that are very important has been discussed. This section contains: positional/keyword argument, default argument, argument vs parameter, actual argument vs formal argument, local and global variables and many more.
In this video, the introduction of the File Handling Chapter has been started. The importance of file handling along with different types of files in Python and its various concepts have been discussed.
In this video, the first type of Python files i.e. Text Files have been explained. Text files are important as per the exam point of view. This is part 01 of the text file.
In this video, programming with text files have been explained. This is the part 02 of text files.
In this video, the basic concept of second type of file i.e. Binary Files with programming has been explained.
In this video, the basic concept of third type of file i.e. CSV Files with programming has been explained.
In this video, the basic concept of second type of file i.e. Binary Files with programming has been explained.
In this video, the syllabus has been discussed again to see the progress and one test paper was given to students to solve.
In this video, the performance of students on the test paper have been evaluated. The questions have also been explained.
In this video, test paper was given to students to solve.
In this video, the performance of students on the test paper have been evaluated. The questions have also been explained.
In this video, test paper was given to students to solve.
In this video, the performance of students on the test paper have been evaluated. The questions have also been explained.
In this video, test paper was given to students to solve.
In this video, the performance of students on the test paper have been evaluated. The questions have also been explained.
In this video, a new topic has been started i.e. Python Data Structure. As per the syllabus, we have to learn Stack, but here you will be taught Stack, Queue and Polish Strings as well.
In this video, the topic “Queue” has been discussed. In this video, you will learn about the programming concept of Queue.
In this video, the topic “Polish Strings | Polish Notation” has been discussed. Here, you will learn about prefix, infix or postfix expression and conversion from infix to postfix and postfix evaluation.
In this video, the topic “Random Module” has been discussed. Here, you will learn about the three important functions i.e. random(), randint() and randrange() function. Many sample paper questions related to random module has been discussed.
In this video, Exception Handling In Python discussed.
In this video, previous Sample Paper Questions have been discussed.
In this video, you have been taught the Introduction of Database. As per syllabus, we have to learn about MySQL which is of 20 marks as per board exams.
In this video, You will learn about the Introduction of MySQL as well the different data types of MySQL along with types of database and MySQL Commands.
In this video, You will learn about the Introduction of MySQL as well the different data types of MySQL along with types of database and MySQL Commands.
In this video, you will learn how to create a table with different types of constraints. Along with this you will learn to insert data into the table using insert into command.
In this video, you will learn how to extract data from the table using the “Select” command. Here you will also learn various attributes related to selected i.e. where clause, in/not in, between/not between, etc.
In this video, you will learn how to extract data from the table using the “Select” command. In this video the select command continues.
In this video, you will learn how to extract data from the table using the “Select” command. In this video we have discussed Alter table command and Foreign Key constraint in MySQL.
In this video, you will learn about the Joins in MySQL. MySQL supports different types of joins i.e. Cross join, equi-join, non-equi join and many more.
In this video, you will learn about the Joins in MySQL. MySQL supports different types of joins i.e. Cross join, equi-join, non-equi join and many more.
In this video, sample paper questions have been discussed.
In this video, a new topic “Introduction to Network” has been discussed. From this segment 10 mark questions are asked in the Board exam.
In this video, a new topic “Basic components of Networking” has been discussed.
In this video, you will learn about the different types of Computer Network. In addition, various wired and wireless network devices.
In this video, you will learn about the collision concept in Network while transferring data from one node to another node on a network
In this video, you will learn further about the collision concept as well as you will learn about Network collision and TCP IP Protocol and subsequently about IP addresses.
In this video, you will learn about basic networking commands as well as about various network topology viz. bus topology, start topology, ring topology etc.
In this video, you will learn about the connectivity concepts of Python and MySQL. This is part 01 of Python MySQL connectivity.
In this video, you will learn about the connectivity concepts of Python and MySQL. This is part 02 of Python MySQL connectivity.
CodeitUp, Congratulate you on Completing your Course. Finally, you are ready to practice your exam question paper to be 100% confident in your exam.
2020 Question/Sample paper- 1
2021 Question/Sample paper- 2
2022 Question/Sample paper- 3
2023 Question/Sample paper- 4
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After successfully completing this Python course, a certificate will be issued to the student, signifying their attainment of the course material and programming skills learned in Python. The certificate can be verified from our website Certificate Validation section is available on website.